IOSS number

Where can you apply for an IOSS number and what about VAT and import? You will find answers to your questions about IOSS here.

Chantal van Thiel

Chantal has been writing about logistics topics for almost two decades and has worked for major international carriers.

Are you looking to import goods and wondering about an IOSS number? You can read about it here.

What is an IOSS Number?

An IOSS number is an identification number used for declaring in the one-stop shop system of the Tax Authorities. The IOSS (Import One-Stop Shop) is an electronic system used for VAT declaration and payment when importing goods into the European Union (EU). The IOSS scheme has been in effect since July 1, 2021, and aims to reduce administrative burdens for businesses selling goods to consumers within the EU.

Applying for an IOSS Number?

If you want to register your business for the IOSS scheme, you need to apply for an IOSS number. This number is provided by the tax authority of the country where you are established. With the IOSS number, you can submit VAT returns and make payments for the import of goods into the EU.

The exact process and requirements for obtaining an IOSS number may vary depending on the country you are in. In the Netherlands, you can apply for a number via the business portal of the tax authorities.


There are new VAT rules from 2021 and these affect the import of goods. Read more about VAT and shipping costs

There remains an exemption from import duties for shipments up to €150. You can arrange this by using the Import One-Stop Shop (IOSS). On the website of the European Commission you can read more about IOSS. You only pay clearance costs on the goods you import if their value is €150 or more. You charge this amount to the end customer when your shipment passes customs. You can also collect the amount at the time of sale by using IOSS, Import One-Stop Shop.

More Information?

Take a look at our knowledge base. Here you will find everything you need to know about easy international shipping. If you have any questions, you can of course contact our support specialists via Live Chat. ParcelParcel is happy to help you during the shipping process.

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