Shipping from Spain to the Netherlands: Complete guide

Discover comprehensive insights on shipping from Curaçao to the Netherlands, including shipping options, delivery times, rates and regulations.

Chantal van Thiel

Chantal has been writing about logistics topics for almost two decades and has worked for major international carriers.

How Long Does It Take to Ship from Curaçao to the Netherlands? Below are four alternatives for shipping cargo from Curaçao to the Netherlands by sea, rail, and air transport:

Sea Transport:

Route: Deliver by truck from Willemstad to Willemstad port, transfer to vessel and ship to Amsterdam port, then deliver by road to the final destination in The Netherlands.

Transit Time: Approximately 27 days.

Cost: Least expensive and most environmentally friendly.

Rail and Sea Transport:

Route: Deliver by truck from Willemstad to Willemstad port, transfer to vessel and ship to Algeciras port, then deliver by road to Vigo-Guixar rail yard, then transfer to wagon and deliver by rail to Rotterdam RSC / Waalhaven rail yard, then deliver by road to the final destination in The Netherlands.

Transit Time: Approximately 37 days.

Air Transport:

Route: Deliver by truck from Willemstad to Hato airport, load to aircraft and deliver by air to Schiphol airport, then deliver by road to the final destination in the Netherlands.

Transit Time: Approximately 7 days.

Cost: Most expensive with higher emissions.

Sea and Road Transport:

Route: Deliver by truck from Willemstad to Willemstad port, transfer to vessel and ship to Rotterdam port, then deliver by road to the final destination in The Netherlands.

Transit Time: Approximately 19 days.

How Much Does It Cost to Ship from Curaçao to the Netherlands?

To help you estimate the cost of shipping from Curaçao to the Netherlands, use ParcelParcel's shipping cost calculator. This tool considers the weight and dimensions of your package, the selected shipping option, and any additional services required. Simply input your details to get an accurate quote for free without even having to register an account.

How to Send a Package from Curaçao to the Netherlands?

Do you want to send a package from Curaçao to the Netherlands? With ParcelParcel, international shipping is easier than ever. You can now easily send a package from Curaçao to the Netherlands. For this service, use our shipping tool, selecting "pickup in" Curaçao and "deliver to" the Netherlands. Follow these steps to send your package via ParcelParcel:

  1. Scroll up to our rate calculator: Specify the pickup location in Curaçao and choose what you want to send: envelope, package, or pallet.

  2. Enter the dimensions and weight of the package to compare shipping rates and delivery times from carriers like FedEx, DHL, DPD, Skynet, and TNT.

  3. Fill in the address details for both the sender and recipient and describe the contents of your shipment.

  4. After completing these steps, you will receive the shipping labels and any customs invoices by email. Print the labels and start packing. 

  5. The shipping labels are attached to the package, and the package is picked up. With our Track & Trace service, you can see where your shipment is at any time.

Customs Regulations for Curaçao

Since Curaçao is part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands but geographically outside the European Union, specific regulations apply to your shipment. This involves providing accurate customs documentation, including a detailed description of the items being shipped and their value. Be aware of any restrictions on certain items and ensure you comply with all regulations to prevent your shipment from being delayed or returned. For more information on VAT and invoices, visit our homepage

Ready to Ship to the Netherlands?

ParcelParcel makes shipping your package quick and easy! Costs vary based on your package's size and the carrier you select. For more information or assistance, contact the ParcelParcel team at +31 85 877 16 56 (Netherlands) or +32 38 087 099 (Belgium). You can also reach out via online chat or explore our knowledge base for detailed guidance on international shipping.

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