How long does it take to ship from Spain to the Netherlands?
Standard Shipping to the Netherlands:
Express Shipping to the Netherlands:
Economy Shipping to the Netherlands:
Freight Shipping to the Netherlands:
Duration: Varies depending on mode of transport and route
Description: Best for large or heavy shipments. Flexible transport options include air, sea, and road.
How much does it cost to ship from Spain to the Netherlands?
To help you estimate the cost of shipping from Spain to the Netherlands, use ParcelParcel's shipping costs calculator. This tool considers the weight and dimensions of your package, the selected shipping option, and any additional services required. Simply input your details to get an accurate quote for free without even having to register an account.
How do you send a package from Spain to the Netherlands?
Follow these steps to successfully send your package from Spain to the Netherlands:
Visit ParcelParcel Website: Go to the ParcelParcel website and use the shipping tool.
Select Pickup Location: Choose Spain as the pickup country.
Choose Delivery Destination: Select the Netherlands as the destination country.
Enter Package Details: Provide necessary information such as package weight and dimensions.
Compare Carrier Options: Click to see a list of available carriers and their rates.
Review and Select Carrier: Compare rates, delivery times, and service options from carriers like FedEx, DHL, DPD, Skynet, and TNT.
Choose Service: Select your preferred carrier and service.
Enter Pickup Address in Spain: Input the pickup location details in Spain.
Enter Delivery Address in the Netherlands: Provide the delivery address details in the Netherlands.
Describe Package Contents: Describe the contents accurately to ensure proper handling during transit. Do not worry, ParcelParcel checks all your paperwork.
Complete Payment: Finish the payment process and receive shipping labels and any necessary customs invoices via email.
Print and Attach Labels: Print out the shipping labels and securely attach them to your package.
Prepare for Pickup: Ensure your package is ready on the selected pickup date and time.
Collection and Delivery: The carrier will collect your package and begin the delivery process.
Track Your Shipment: Use ParcelParcel's Track & Trace service to monitor your shipment's progress and know its location throughout the shipping process.
Customs Regulations
As Spain is part of the European Union, shipments to the Netherlands do not require customs clearance, eliminating the need for customs duties. However, be aware of VAT regulations. As of July 1, 2021, VAT is applicable to all shipments in the Netherlands, regardless of value.
Are you ready to ship to the Netherlands?
ParcelParcel makes shipping your package quick and easy! Costs vary based on your package's size and the carrier you select. For more information or assistance, contact the ParcelParcel team at +31 85 877 16 56 (Netherlands) or +32 38 087 099 (Belgium). You can also reach out via online chat or explore our how does is work page for detailed guidance on international shipping.