EORI number

Read more information about the EORI number and how to apply for one.

Chantal van Thiel

Chantal has been writing about logistics topics for almost two decades and has worked for major international carriers.

What is an EORI number?

An EORI number is a unique identification number for businesses in the European Union. It is used in customs matters and contains numbers and letters. It is issued by the customs services of an EU Member State. EORI numbers are there for legal entities, such as a BV. But also, for natural persons with a business - the sole proprietorship. You use an EORI number when importing or exporting to countries that are not part of the European Union. When you have contact with customs. Branches do not get their own EORI number but use the number of the head office. You need an EORI number when you declare or have declared.

An EORI number (Economic Operators Registration and Identification number) is required for businesses importing or exporting goods within and outside the EU. Without a valid EORI number, customs clearance can be delayed, leading to additional costs. Ensure smooth international shipping by registering for an EORI number and avoiding unnecessary complications!

How do I get an EORI number?

You can compose the EORI number yourself. Start the number with the letters NL and put your RSIN (Legal Entities and Partnerships Information Number) behind it. It is a unique identification number for legal entities and partnerships in the Netherlands. This number is assigned by the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration and is used in tax matters, such as applying for a VAT number and declaring fiscal data. Does your RSIN consist of less than 9 digits? Then put as many zeros in front of your RSIN until the number consists of 9 digits. Do you not have an RSIN, for example, because you have a sole proprietorship? Then apply for an EORI number at the Tax and Customs Administration.

Applying for an EORI number

You can also apply for an EORI number at Customs. For this, you can fill in a form. Apply for an EORI number in time so that your shipment is processed by customs. If you do not do this, there is a chance that your shipment will not be imported into the destination country or that your shipment will be significantly delayed. You can apply for an EORI number online:

Apply for an EORI number for Dutch companies

Apply for an EORI number for Belgian companies

Note: applying for an EORI number can take some time and there may be costs associated.

Is an EORI number a VAT number?

No, an EORI number is not a VAT number. An EORI number is an identification number for companies in the European Union and is used for customs matters. A VAT number is a unique identification number for companies and is used for tax purposes. Both numbers are independent of each other and companies can have both an EORI number and a VAT number.

What is a British EORI number?

This is an EORI number for companies that trade with the United Kingdom. Since Brexit, the United Kingdom no longer belongs to the European Union and there is a British EORI number. So there are two types of EORI numbers: a European EORI number and a British EORI number. A British EORI number is similar to a European EORI number, but it is assigned by the British Customs Authority (HMRC) and is only valid in the United Kingdom.

More information?

You can read more about easy international shipping on our website. Would you rather speak to our logistics specialists. Then contact us via live chat. Or by calling 085 877 16 56 (Netherlands) or 038 087 099 (Belgium). We are happy to help!


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